Woo-hoo, we've reached FIFTY EPISODES! This time we have another one of our (made-up) time-honored traditions: reviewing a current science fiction magazine. We usually do this once a year, to keep on top of current SF trends - and also to compare & contrast current magazines with the SF magazines of the past. In our last episode, we went back 50 years to review ANALOG from 1974. This time, we're bang up-to-date (almost) with a very recent issue of the very same magazine. Analog is the longest-continuously-running SF magazine, having been around under various titles since the 1930s! What will we make of Analog 's longstanding reputation for "hard SF"? How does the magazine stack up against its wholly online competitors such as Clarkesworld and Uncanny ? How does it stack up against its former self? No quiz this time, but we finish off with our usual round-up of recommendations of past/present/future science fiction. Among the items mentioned in today's sho...