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Here's Looking at Who, Kid (episode 32 of the podcast)

This year, the long-running SF series Doctor Who is sixty years old - so Colin and Phil turn back the clock and watch the very first episode of the series, from 1963: "An Unearthly Child". (You can watch it on Daily Motion, here.)

Phil's first proper Doctor was the third one, played by Jon Pertwee, although he has vague recollections of the second doctor (Patrick Troughton). On the other hand, like many Americans, Colin first knew of the show from the Tom Baker years.

What will they make of the gruff, original Doctor portrayed by William Hartnell?

Other items mentioned in the show:

Here's the pod. Let us know what you thought of Doctor Who when you first saw it. Were you a fan of the original, early versions of the show? Or did you catch up with it during the 2000s, when it returned as a modern show?
